Friday, November 20, 2009

Holiday Heap Vendor - Biggs & Featherbelle

Is there anything more enviable than siblings who are BFF's? Not to me. That's the best. So, it always makes my heart soar when I see that I'll be at a craft fair with Baltimore firecracker-sister-duo Biggs & Featherbelle (alias Kelly & Kasey). Not only are they a riot to be neighbor to when you're stuck behind a table for 8 hours, but they smell pretty good too. I use their products personally (who in the craft world of the general Baltimore area doesn't? anyone?) and highly recommend them. In fact, before typing this very blogpost, I just lathered up my hands with one of their new tequila scented bars. The sisters sell their products at fairs across the country as far as California and in stores as well known as Whole Foods Market and - at busy times of year - are known to employ their entire family in the soap studio they inhabit near Clipper Mill in our own fair city.
check them out at

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