Tuesday, March 3, 2009

American Craft Council Show: Fiber Focus Part One

Wandering through the many aisles of the ACC show can be overwhelming. Rachel and I spent over 2 hours doing just that, and we still couldn't hit every row. Luckily, I put a plan into place to focus on local (I used this term pretty loosely, as you'll see) fiber artists.

Yes, I am slightly biased, but you've got to admit, there's something about fiber that begs you to come closer, and even touch, if you dare. And of course, only if you're invited. Thank goodness some artists did invite, such as Chris Rom and Geoff Buddie, a husband and wife sculpting team from Ohio. They work in felted wool, but also in ceramics and other media. Here's Rachel giddy with excitement before the invitation:

And, after indulging:

Oh yeah. That's good stuff right there. Check out the other installations from this booth, equally squishy and delicious:

Next, let's check out the work of artist Shelley Jones, of Richmond, Virginia (if you'd like more info on Shelley, contact me at hvmdesigns AT gmail DOT com). Shelley also works in felted wool, incorporating beads and silver as well. I loved these structured cuffs:

And these beautiful flowers, which were displayed on the wall of the booth:

But my favorite piece was this great spiky cuff, and as I looked at it, I first thought about how long it must have taken to needle felt all those little spikes into the background, and then I couldn't get Fraggle Rock out of my head. And of course, that is a compliment of the highest order.

Mmmmmmm, fiber... More to come, stay tuned!